Virtuous Living (12 of 13): Honesty
by Joseph Rowlands
The last virtue I want to talk about is that of Honesty. Rand described Honesty as "the recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal and can have no value". (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (11 of 13): Independence
by Joseph Rowlands
The moral principle here is that your life is your own, and you're the only one that can live it. It means that you need to act directly, and not attempt to get or let other people do your living for you. It's the recognition that life is purposeful action, but it needs to be your purpose and your action, or it's not really living. (Read more...)
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Keeping Your Head
by Sam Pierson
The mind is the invisible sweetspot of our lives. Whatever is happening in there, and whatever its way of happening, is what shapes our estimation of ourselves, and of life. And that shapes who, how and what we go after. (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (10 of 13): Pride
by Joseph Rowlands
The moral principle here is that you need to want to live. You need to make your life the ultimate value, and to appreciate it as such. (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (9 of 13): Integrity
by Joseph Rowlands
The moral principle here is that you also are a part of reality, and have an identity. (Read more...)
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An Extraordinary Life Continued
by Ashley Frazier
When I was a child, some very ugly and painful things happened in my life. You sometimes hear a statement like that preface the story of some criminal or social deviant who wants you to excuse the behavior that followed their childhood. Well, don't worry. Not in this case. (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (8 of 13): Justice
by Joseph Rowlands
Ayn Rand defines Justice as "the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature". The moral principle here is that men are a part of reality, and we must identify their nature just as we must identify any aspect of reality, and act accordingly. (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (7 of 13): Productiveness
by Joseph Rowlands
Let's turn now to the virtue of Productiveness. Ayn Rand defined it as "the recognition of the fact that productive work is the process by which man's mind sustains his life". Notice again the term "recognition". (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (6 of 13): Rationality as an Active Virtue
by Joseph Rowlands
So what does the Active form of rationality involve? (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (5 of 13): Rationality
by Joseph Rowlands
The first virtue I'll talk about is rationality. In The Objectivist Ethics, Rand defined rationality as "the recognition and acceptance of reason as one's only source of knowledge, one's only judge of values and one's only guide to action". (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (4 of 13): Life as a Process
by Joseph Rowlands
One's view of life can alter the way you conceive of virtues. The static view of life, which focuses on the state of your life, is very value oriented. It looks at achieving values, and not with the means by which you achieved them. In many ways, it is a tunnel-vision view of life, only looking at particular aspects of the life. (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (3 of 13): Active vs. Passive Virtues
by Joseph Rowlands
There are two different approaches to understanding virtues, and we have the tools now to see what they are. I differentiate the two by calling one Passive Virtues and calling the other Active Virtues. (Read more...)
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I Love People! (And Why You Should, Too!)
by Scott D. DeSalvo
All good Objectivists understand that the life you are living - your life right now - is the only one you're going to get. Even if you haven't in the past, it is high time to make the most of it now, and from now on! (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (2 of 13): Virtues vs. Duties
by Joseph Rowlands
We need to take a step back and look at how Objectivist ethics compares to other ethical systems. This will help provide a contrast between Objectivist virtues and other virtue systems. The intent here is to show how the whole idea of virtues got cast into a particular mold, which still haunts the Objectivist conception of virtues. (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (1 of 13)
by Joseph Rowlands
Here is part 1 of 13 from Joseph Rowlands speech at the SOLO conference in New York. Enjoy! (Read more...)
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 Making Life Extraordinary
by Ashley Frazier
A speech given at SOLOC 1.5, New York City, August 9-11 2002 (Read more...)
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Shouldering Your Own Burden
by Joseph Rowlands
Joe explains the glory of a good burden. (Read more...)
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Affording to be Moral
by Joseph Rowlands
Sometimes opportunity knocks, and you have to be prepared to take advantage of it. Sometimes things don't go according to plan, and you need options to make the best out of a situation. (Read more...)
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Roller Coaster Feelings
by Elizabeth Kanabe
You can't ignore your feelings. Nor would you want to. (Read more...)
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Thursday December 26, 2002 |
Self-fulfilling Prophecies
by Joseph Rowlands
Sometimes getting what you expect isn't a good thing. (Read more...)
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Wednesday November 27, 2002 |
Living Your Own Life
by Joseph Rowlands
What is the goal here: to live your life to its fullest? Or to try scoring something on the order of non-death? Let Joe Rowlands help you decide... (Read more...)
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Cheese to go with that Whine?
by Elizabeth Kanabe
Discover that words have exact meanings---in your own life... (Read more...)
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Valuing Values
by Arthur Silber
The passionate commitment and dedication to the pursuit of values lies at the very heart of Objectivism. Ayn Rand's philosophy recognizes that, in the most general sense, we enter the world with only our minds to guide us as we make our way through life... (Read more...)
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Lessons from Miss Ives
by Anton Kelly
She was a girl in her late twenties, whose quietly harmonious, impenetrable face had a quality matching the best-designed office equipment; she was one of his most ruthlessly competent employees; her manner of performing her duties suggested the kind of rational cleanliness that would consider any element of emotion, while at work, as an unpardonable immorality. (Read more...)
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A Better Day Tomorrow
by Elizabeth Kanabe
We have the ability to be happy--if we take the necessary action to do so... (Read more...)
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